[Challenge] porridge patient food to those who fell in swallowing, digestion and absorption capacity, is popular as a nursing food, but also easy to swallow without chewing porridge that has been cooked in several times the amount of water when cooking the rice, for chewing there is no starch saccharification action by digestive enzymes in saliva without the mouth, there is opinion that reverse the digestive burden of gastrointestinal often, rice koji or malt initially including the place of the enzyme in the saliva to porridge pot in addition, but to produce a porridge to help digestion and absorption function, becomes a large candy with syrup and sweet sake as well as the sweet, not suitable for a diabetic diet, consist in the porridge to replace the rice the staple food of the bland taste of Japanese food There was noThe present invention is a US compound and auxiliary materials malt of the main raw material and gelatinized separately, porridge of bland taste plus malt by heating and stirring was able to manufacture. And it found that the foul odor of flatus and the next morning bowel movement improvement porridge was tasting the object of the present invention is lost, you change the point of view of the same evaluation method to excretion situationFIELD 2【課題】お粥は嚥下・消化吸収能力の低下した者へ病人食、介護食として親しまれ、ご飯を炊く時の数倍の水量で調理されたお粥は噛まなくても飲み込みし易いが、咀嚼が無く口中で唾液の消化酵素による澱粉糖化作用が無いために、逆に胃腸の消化負担が多いとの意見があり、当初はお粥の鍋に唾液の代わりの酵素を含む米糀または麦芽を加え、消化吸収機能を助けるお粥を製造したが、水飴や甘酒と同様に甘味の多いお菓子となり、糖尿病食には不向きで、日本食の淡白な味の主食のご飯に代わるお粥には成らなかった。【解決手段】本発明は主原料の米類と副原料の麦芽を別々に糊化して、加熱撹拌することで麦芽を加えた淡白な味のお粥が製造出来た。本発明のお粥を試食した翌朝の便通改善と放屁の腐敗臭が消失したことを見出して、同評価方法を排泄状況に視点を変更した。【選択図】 図2