Resení se vztahuje k oblasti tzv. herpesviru vázaných na hostitelskou bunku, jako je virus Markovy choroby (MDV) u drubeze a lidský virus Varicella Zoster (VZV), a k ockování proti chorobe zpusobené temito viry. Je poskytnuta vakcína proti infekci zpusobené herpesvirem v podstate vázaným na hostitelskou bunku, která obsahuje rekombinantní virový genom pocházející ze zmíneného herpesviru, pricemz zmínený genom umoznuje rekombinaci v podstate bez hostitelské bunky.The present invention relates to the field of so-called host cell-associated herpes viruses such as Marek's disease like virus (MDV) of poultry and of Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) of man and to vaccination against disease caused by these viruses. The invention provides a vaccine directed against an infection caused by a herpes virus that is essentially host cell associated comprising a recombinant viral genome derived from said herpes virus, wherein said genome allowing recombination essentially free of said host cell.