Includes the following steps in a method of decontaminating articles. That is, it is moved along the path of the first plurality of articles: (a) a known temperature, and carries the carrier gas along a second passage, including (b) an elongated plenum, the second passage downstream from the plenum at intersects the first passage, heated to about 105 ℃ least at a position upstream of the plenum (c) a carrier gas, is injected spray mist of liquid hydrogen peroxide of known concentration in the carrier gas in (d) the plenum, the volume flow rate of the carrier gas along the path (e) (1) second, the volume of hydrogen peroxide is injected into the (2) carrier gas passage (3) first intersects the second passage controlling the temperature of the carrier gas injected into the plenum concentration of hydrogen peroxide vapor in the carrier gas in place to have a dew point lower than the known temperature of the article is included. [Selection] Figure Figure 1物品を汚染除去する方法であって次のステップが含まれる。すなわち、(a)既知温度の複数の物品を第1の通路に沿って移動させ、(b)細長いプレナムを含む第2の通路に沿ってキャリヤガスを搬送し、第2の通路はプレナムより下流で第1の通路に交差し、(c)キャリヤガスをプレナムの上流位置で少なくとも約105℃に加熱し、(d)プレナムにおいてキャリヤガスに既知濃度の液体過酸化水素の噴霧ミストを注入し、(e)(1)第2の通路に沿うキャリヤガスの容積流量と、(2)キャリヤガスに注入される過酸化水素の容積と、(3)第1の通路が第2の通路と交差する箇所のキャリヤガス中の蒸気過酸化水素の濃度が物品の既知温度より低い露点温度をもつようにプレナム内に注入されるキャリヤガスの温度とを制御するステップが含まれる。【選択図】図1