The present invention provides a herbal beverage as an herbal material extract, but by adding the sulfuric acid to the herbal material extract to obtain the efficacy of the herbal material and the sulfuric acid at the same time, during the drinking, hangover and fatigue recovery as well as summer heat or after exercise It is to provide an herbal drink effective for quenching thirst.As a means for solving the above problems, the present invention is mixed in the ratio of 39 ~ 41% by weight, bamboo leaves 12.5 ~ 13.5% by weight, dermis 26 ~ 28% by weight, citrine 12.5 ~ 13.5% by weight, Schizandra 6.5 ~ 7.5% by weight 100kg of the prepared herbal ingredients were added to the extractor with 4000ℓ of water and extracted for 4-5 hours at 120 ~ 140 ℃ to obtain the herbal extract mixture, and the obtained herbal extract 92 ~ 93.997% (volume ratio), 99 1% to 2% (volume ratio) of sulfuric acid or more, 5 to 5.996% (volume ratio) of sweetener fructooligosaccharide, and 0.003% to 0.004% (volume ratio) of enzyme treatment stevia were added to the stirrer, followed by stirring at 50 ° C for 30 minutes. They are mixed, and the mixed extract is sterilized, filtered and packaged through a sterilizer and a filter.본 발명은 한방재료 추출액으로 한방음료를 제공하되, 상기 한방재료 추출액에 지황초를 첨가하여 한방재료 및 지황초의 효능을 동시에 얻을 수 있게 하므로서, 음용시 숙취해소와 피로회복은 물론 여름철 더위나 운동후 갈증해소에 효과있는 한방음료를 제공하고자 하는 것이다.상기 과제를 해결하기 위한 수단으로서 본 발명은 갈근 39~41중량%와, 죽엽 12.5~13.5중량%, 진피 26~28중량%, 황정 12.5~13.5중량%, 오미자 6.5~7.5중량%의 비율로 혼합된 한방재료 100kg을, 물 4000ℓ와 함께 추출기에 투입한 다음 120~140℃에서 4~5시간 추출하여 한방재료 혼합추출액을 얻고, 상기에서 얻어진 한방재료 혼합추출액 92~93.997%(부피비)와, 99%이상의 지황초 1~2%(부피비)와, 감미료인 프락토올리고당 5~5.996%(부피비)와, 효소처리스테비아 0.003~0.004%(부피비)를 교반기에 투입한 다음 50℃에서 30분간 교반하여 이들이 혼합되게 하고, 상기 혼합추출액을 살균기 및 여과기를 통하여 살균, 여과하고, 포장하여 제조하는 것이다.