Manufacturing process and end product of vacuum packed silage, described as a manufacturing process and end product of vacuum packed silage which, according to the characteristics thereof, provides, by means of a proprietary and specific industrialized process, the manufacturing of an end product fully based on vacuum packed silage (A), that is, vacuum packing chopped green forage (B) to feed animals, with the purpose of providing a fully mechanized and optimized manufacturing process, and a silage of high nutritional and hygienic quality and, mainly, high durability, and having as a basis a proprietary and specific manufacturing process incorporating an assembly of successive and properly integrated operations formed by a harvesting and chopping phase of the green forage, a packing and weighting phase, a pressing phase, a vacuum phase and a storage phase.Cette invention concerne des procédés de fabrication de produits densilage conditionnés sous vide (A), cest à dire de fourrage vers haché (B) destiné à lalimentation animale. Procédé de fabrication entièrement mécanisé et optimisé, permettant dobtenir un fourrage à haute valeur nutritive et de qualité hygiénique élevée, et surtout dune grande longévité. Procédé breveté et spécifique constitué dun ensemble dopérations successives et correctement intégrées, à savoir: moisson et hachage du fourrage vert, emballage et pesée, compression, traitement sous vide et stockage.