A water plants cultivation device includes a first base having a locking portion and a second base having a connecting portion, the locking portion is locked in the connecting portion, which enables the first base to be securely fastened to the second base, and the user can quickly install water plants between the first base and the second base, so that the time required to install water plants in the plant can be significantly reduced. The edges of the first base and the second base are smooth, enabling the user to install water plants safely.本發明為一種水草培植裝置,包含有一第一座體及一第二座體,該第一座體具有一卡合部,而該第二座體具有一扣接部,藉由該卡合部扣於該扣接部,使該第一座體能夠與該第二座體穩固扣合而不易分離,使用者能夠快速將水草裝設於該第一座體及該第二座體之間,進而使裝設水草於水草培植裝置的時間大幅下降,且第一座體及第二座體的周緣平滑,更令使用者能夠安全的裝設水草。