The present invention relates to a method for producing a high quality low-salted sausage aged with Phellinus linteus. In the present invention, a salting solution is produced with an extract of Phellinus linteus to salt meat, and a powder of Phellinus linteus is added to pulverized meat to age the meat. To the meat which completed aging, coconut oil, a Smilax china extract solution, a Phellinus linteus extract solution, a Lithospermum erythrorhizon extract solution and side ingredients are added, so it is possible to produce the high quality sausage from which a thousand smells of the meat are removed and which has a good color and an improved seasoning function of low-sodium.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018본 발명은 상황버섯으로 숙성한 고품질 저염소시지의 제조방법에 관한 것이다. 본 발명은 상황버섯추출물로 염지액을 제조하여 육류를 염지하고, 분쇄한 육류에 상황버섯분말을 첨가하여 숙성한 한다. 숙성이 완료된 육류에 코코넛오일과 청미래덩쿨뿌리 추출물농축액, 상황버섯추출물농축액, 지초추출물농축액과 부재료를 첨가하여 육류의 잡냄새가 없고 색감이 좋은 저나트륨의 조미기능이 향상된 고품질의 소시지를 제조하는 것이다.