The disclosed friction disc transmission includes a conventional drive disc rotatable about a vertical shaft and a vertical friction disc engaging the top horizontal face of the drive disc to be driven about a horizontal axis. The friction disc is rotatably supported on a pivot frame having a sprocket drive connected to a sprocket on the wheel axle. The vertical drive disc shaft is mounted on a transversely swingable support for movement of the drive disc relative to the driven friction disc and control of the rotational speed and direction of the driven disc. The support includes a control plate having camming surfaces which lift the driven disc over the center neutral axis of the drive disc, reducing wear of the driven disc when the transmission is in neutral. The control also includes a clutch-brake mechanism independent of the control plate including a lever connected to a rotatable link means. The link means is operably connected to the pivot frame and a brake shoe and is operable upon actuation of the lever to sequentially vertically lift the frame means and the friction disc out of engagement with the drive disc and engage the brake shoe against the friction disc to stop rotational movement of the friction disc.