1. A process for preparing chickpea preparation enriched in nutrients, comprising: (a) mechanical destruction chickpea seeds of chickpea to form a slurry (b) the enzymatic treatment of said slurry chickpea using one or more of a protease, amylase, and a phytase and (c) separation soluble fraction of said suspension chickpea thereby producing the drug-mentioned enriched nutrient komponentami.2. A method according to claim 1, further comprising drying said soluble fraktsii.3. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that said step (b) includes increasing the percentage of tsisteina.4. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that said step (b) comprises heating said suspension to ensure denaturation starches and proteins contained in said suspenzii.5. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that said step (b) comprises incubating said suspension with said phytase stirring said suspension ensuring decomposition of phytic kisloty.6. Source soluble food based on chickpeas, representing the soluble fraction obtained by a process comprising: (a) mechanical destruction of seeds of chickpea to form a slurry chickpea (b) the enzymatic treatment of said slurry chickpea using one or more of a protease, amylase and phytase and (c) separation of the soluble fraction from said slurry chickpea thereby producing the drug-mentioned enriched nutrient komponentami.7. Soluble power source based on chickpea according to claim 6, characterized in that said method further comprises drying said soluble fraktsii.8. Source of soluble food based on chickpeas according to claim 6,1. Способ получения препарата нута, обогащенного питательными компонентами, включающий:(a) механическое разрушение семян нута с получением суспензии нута(b) ферментативную обработку указанной суспензии нута с применением одного или более из протеазы, амилазы и фитазы, и(c) отделение растворимой фракции от указанной суспензии нута с получением тем самым препарата нута, обогащенного питательными ком