The present invention relates to a material and method for driving insects away from plants, and particularly relates to a material and method for driving insects away from plants which are planted by an organic manner. In this invention, a plant capable of transpiring a smell which insects hate, such as a spice plant, is applied to fabricate a material capable of transpiring a smell which insects hate for driving insects away from plants. The insects are driven away from plants by the smell transpired from this material for preventing the insects from spawning on the plants and eat the plants without killing the insects.本發明提供一種植物趨避用具與方法,特別是有關一種應用於有機耕作的植物趨避用具與方法。本發明採取辛香植物等會散發出昆蟲討厭氣味的植物為材料,製作出可以散發出昆蟲討厭氣味的植物趨避用具,而以此植物趨避用具所散發的氣味驅趕昆蟲,防止其於作物上產卵與吸食作物,而不傷害昆蟲。