Abstract The present invention relates to one or more strains of Lactobacilli and a cholesterol modifying agent (such as an oligosaccharide) for use in modifying the absorption of cholesterol in an individual or the treatment of heart disease, diabetes or obesity. o a ... ISMI, C"D ImEffiffill, C-) ool immmE X-X \g X pm :j \ N ,mm\ C-1 110 U C) IBM, sm \U 1% o M nO N M N C14 0\1 x ox: %\ %\ 0. p m .ix g ANN \gm 01 C) CN INNE ox 'NOMON \\%MON !1EMEMIN"", % IN-SUMm"I wo MWEEMENS1,11. lmw ISSE o X*iRW: ON'M lp x INEWS -5 0c) "I'SN", imm LL IN N' O\N, io i 101' \\mmmm 11 qmm -1i mw 01 N sM-x . X\1 R IN XX-N W\ o cS L: I ': \\\ RN 0 'man 1 o R ::g::% X X N \ ININ Q Ex 75 0o 101 11IMS x:, aK X.o W 10, Im ml \00 m .. N., 0, ol NE Cj tog ('0 M, t'- 75 No m CN \W 'alm 00 o -30 qq\ 'n o* -r- 00 m _N X Im -X.'M H T v 01, C,05 w RM -xS, .. .... i'x :-X-X . _ xSx %\ , : .. m 0 mmomm In 00 "m WIN 'Em W mg, N mm S. ME\ < CU) (L) rcy C) IX:11 ws> I-11-0 -also LC) LCD Lf) CZ5 (C=5 < < ca OU) ry Err 7-> 75 75 2E