BAKAEVA ELENA NIKOLAEVNA,Бакаева Елена Николаевна (RU),NIKANOROV ANATOLIJ MAKSIMOVICH,Никаноров Анатолий Максимович (RU),IGNATOVA NADEZHDA ANATOLEVNA,Игнатова Надежда Анатольевна (RU)
FIELD: environment protection.SUBSTANCE: method may be used in ecological monitoring of toxicity of water environments of various mineralisation, and also in case of emergencies at water facilities. A test object is a rotifer, the type of which is ecologically compatible with mineral composition of a survey water environment. The rotifer stock culture is placed into samples with surveyed (sample) and pure (reference) water, where it is maintained for 2.5-3.0 hours. The surveyed water is referred to as toxic whenever aborted rotifer eggs are found in it. To detect an extent of toxicity of surveyed water environment, a series of surveyed sample dissolution is carried out with water taken from a background pure section of a water area, the rotifer stock culture is maintained in dissolved samples for 2.5-3.0 hours, dissolution that removes toxic effect at eggs aborting is registered, and the extent of toxicity of surveyed water environment is assessed by extent of dissolution of the sample with pure water before aborting stops, besides, if sample dissolution is to 1:1, the surveyed water is referred to as non-toxic up to 1:25 - to low-toxic up to 1:50 - to moderately toxic to 1:100 - to acute toxic to 1:500 and above - to highly toxic.EFFECT: higher speed, validity of the method, possible assessment of extent of toxicity of surveyed water environment.2 cl, 7 ex, 8 tblИзобретение относится к области охраны окружающей среды. Способ может быть использован при экологическом контроле токсичности водных сред различной минерализации, а также в случае чрезвычайных ситуаций на водных объектах. В качестве тест-объекта используют коловратку, вид которой экологически соответствует минеральному составу исследуемой водной среды. Помещают маточную культуру коловратки в пробы с исследуемой (опыт) и чистой (контроль) водой, где выдерживают в течение 2,5-3,0 часа. Исследуемую воду относят к токсичной при наличии в ней абортированных яиц коловратки. Для определения степени токсичности исс