A jelly processed product having a contained three-dimensional configuration and a manufacturing method thereof are disclosed. The jelly processed product includes a shaping jelly body, a first jelly body and a second jelly body. A three-dimensional configuration shaping structure is disposed in the shaping jelly body. The particular steps and processes of the disclosed manufacturing method to install various three-dimensional configuration structures in jellies, thereby enabling a consumer to enjoy the jelly not only with its textures and flavors accompanied by multiple food materials, but also with visual sensation in its colorful and three-dimensional configuration, hence, providing a colorful, aromatic, and tasty jelly product.本發明係為一種內含立體造型之果凍加工品及製造方法,而果凍加工品,包括:塑型果凍體、第二果凍體及第一果凍體;其中,塑型果凍體之內部,則設置有具立體造型之塑型結構。本發明主要是藉由特定的步驟程序,以便在果凍內來設置各種立體造型結構,藉以使得消費者在食用果凍時,除了品嚐多種食材搭配所具有的層次口感及香氣味道,亦能同時提供色彩豐富、造型立體之視覺感官享受,進而達到色、香、味兼具之果凍食品。1‧‧‧果凍加工品2‧‧‧第一果凍體3‧‧‧第二果凍體4b‧‧‧塑型果凍體4b1‧‧‧塑型結構5‧‧‧容器