A portable beverage carrier and dispenser. The carrier comprises an elongatetube have oneend open and the opposite end generally enclosed. The tube includesperforations to permitwater to move in and out of the tube, and a float that is placed into the tubeprior to insertingbeverage containers. The carrier is designed to be inserted into a hole in theice surface on abody of water. A flange prevents the tube from falling into the hole into theunderlying bodyof water. Anchors can be provided to anchor the carrier to the ice surface.When the carrieris placed in a hole in the ice surface, water enters the interior of the tubevia the perforations.The float is placed in the tube and then beverage containers are loaded on topof the float.The buoyancy of the float in the water forces the beverage containers upwardsin the tube sothat the topmost container can be readily retrieved by a user.