The present invention provides a raw egg peeling mechanism and an integrated device capable of quickly and efficiently peeling a row egg to let protein and yolk flow out and removing eggshell. The device includes a motor for driving a main shaft inside an egg peeling box and a conveying roller set at a lateral side of the box through a chain, so as to place the row eggs on an egg carrying wheel of the roller set for sequentially entering the egg peeling box. Through the raw egg peeling mechanism radially distributed at periphery of the main shaft disc, when the main shaft is rotated, the raw egg peeling mechanism sequentially catches a row egg, clamps the row egg from its upper part, cracks the eggshell, pulls the eggshell from left and right to let the protein and yolk free fall, and finally releases the upper side clamping to allow the eggshell to fall, thereby completing the egg peeling operation.本發明提供一種可快速有效將生蛋殼剝開流出蛋白與蛋仁並將蛋殼分離去除之生蛋剝蛋機構及整體裝置,其裝置由一馬達經鏈條驅動剝蛋箱體內之主軸及箱體一側之輸送滾輪組,使待剝開生蛋依序置放於滾輪組之蛋體承輪上陸續進入剝蛋箱體內,經由放射狀分佈在主軸圓盤之圓周上的生蛋剝蛋機構,隨主軸轉動而依序承接、上方夾合、敲開蛋殼、左右拉開蛋殼,使蛋白及蛋仁自由落下,最後鬆開上方夾合並使空蛋殼掉落完成剝蛋作業。(16)...圓盤(3)...生蛋剝蛋機構(31)...固定板(311)...軸孔(312)...軸孔(32)...蛋體承接座(321)...弧狀承板(322)...滾輪(324)...軸孔(33)...敲蛋桿(331)...滾輪(332)...彈簧圈(34)...壓蛋臂(341)...壓帽(342)...滾輪(343)...彈簧圈(35A)...弧型板(36A)...弧型板(E)...生蛋