Vacuum system for endoscopic therapy with intracavity, intraluminal or intracorporal vacuum, for the aspiration of body fluids, wound or gas secretions, of a hollow volume such as a body cavity, a hollow organ, a tissue abscess or an intestinal lumen , especially with the generation of a transient endoscopic closure of an intestinal lumen, so that the vacuum system comprises: - a vacuum pump that has a control input to receive a control signal to control its suction power , and which has on the depression side a connection for a vacuum drainage device, and - a pressure regulation unit connected or connectable with the control input of the vacuum pump, - having an input of signals to receive at least a pressure measurement signal, which constitutes a measurement for the pressure or depression that predominates in the hollow volume to be treated, - and which is constituted with predetermination of a) a depression value in the hollow volume to be treated, which is selectable in a previously defined range of depression values, and b) an evacuation time interval that is selectable between 0.5 and 5 seconds, i) taking into account a predetermined dead volume of the vacuum drainage device connectable to the vacuum pump, determine a first suction power of the vacuum pump necessary to generate the predetermined depression in the hollow volume to be treated, in the predetermined evacuation time interval, and send a corresponding first control signal to the vacuum pump control input, ii) after generating the predetermined depression in the hollow volume to be treated, monitor the pressure measurement signal and depending of the current pressure measurement signal, determine a second vacuum power of the vacuum pump necessary for maintenance to the determined depression, and to send to the control input of the vacuum pump, a second corresponding control signal, and iii) after the generation of the predetermined pressure in the hollow volume to be treated, in case there is a pres