Bee-hive for collecting honey, has blades situated between frames of honey body and against end walls, where each end of blades is situated close to frame medium to cut quantity of wax and honey and each blade has openings to pass honeybee
#CMT# #/CMT# The bee-hive has a set of blades situated in parallel between frames of a honey body and against two end walls. Each end of the blades is situated more close to a frame medium so as to cut large quantity of wax and honey. Each blade has a set of openings to permit to pass honeybee. The blades are actuated by an arm system directed outside the bee-hive. Removable fixations of support are situated at height from top of the frames on walls of the honey body. A stud stops the blades provided at inner side the body. A honey plate is placed under the bee-hive for collecting the honey. #CMT#USE : #/CMT# Bee-hive for collecting honey in apiculture field. #CMT#ADVANTAGE : #/CMT# The configuration of the bee-hive permits to directly extract the honey from the honey bee without opening the bee-hive and without loss of honey bee while eliminating manual work and saving extraction time.