An illuminating device is arranged such that the illuminating member is inclined relative to the supporting member, so that when the supporting member is disposed behind the head and adjacent to the occipital foramen of the neck, the light of the illuminating member can be injected into the brain region of the brain to It stimulates the secretory neurons in the substantia nigra of the brain to secrete dopamine, thus improving the body function of the user.一種發光裝置,係將發光件相對承載件傾斜設置,以於該承載件設於頭部後下方鄰接頸部之枕骨大孔時,該發光件之光線能射入腦內之中腦區域,以刺激腦中黑質區的分泌神經元分泌多巴胺,故能改善使用者之身體機能。