Optimum nutritional food Optimized nutritional food function and maintenance of health, health prevention, disease prevention and aging delay, the optimized nutritional food is about 28% to 36% protein, about 17% by weight -About 26% by weight dietary fiber, about 6%-about 10% omega 3 fatty acids, about 6%-about 10% omega 6 fatty acids, about 4%-about 8% omega 9 fatty acids, about 2%-about 6% About 4% to about 13% starch / sugar: about 6% to about 10% vitamins and minerals, about 2% to about 5% by weight water, ω3 fatty acid, ω6 fatty acid about 0.75 : 1.25-about 1.25 0.75. Nutritional food optimized at the time of Methods preparation and nutritional food optimized for treatment method administration最適栄養食品最適化された栄養食品の最適化のための身体の機能及び、健康維持、病気の予防や老化遅延、前記最適化栄養食品は、約28%から36%のタンパク質、約17重量%‐約26重量%の食物繊維、約6%‐約10%のω3脂肪酸、約6%‐約10%のオメガ6脂肪酸、約4%‐約8%のω9脂肪酸、約2%‐約6%の飽和脂肪と、約4%‐約13%の澱粉/糖:約6%‐約10%のビタミンとミネラルを、約2%‐約5重量%の水、ω3脂肪酸、ω6脂肪酸約0.75:1.25‐約1.25である0.75.Methods調製時に最適化された栄養食品並びに治療方法投与の最適化された栄養食品である