The present invention enables a hallux valgus or varus small toe of the prevention or the like to provide a sock that can be inexpensively manufactured without undergoing numerous processes as in conventional products. A toe forms the toe insert parts 1,2,3,4,5,6 be inserted, toe insertion portion formed between the thumb insertion portion 1 and the index finger insertion section 3 2, or to form a hallux valgus preventing portion b Insert the hallux valgus prevention material 9 from the inner opening 8 of the form on the opposite side of the toe portion 7a of the toe insertion portion 2, medicine finger insertion portion 4 and the little finger insertion section 6 The varus small toe preventing portion to the toe insertion portion 5 is formed, by inserting a varus small toe prevention material than the inner opening of the formed opposite the toe portion of the toe insert parts 5 between the formation to. .BACKGROUND【課題】外反母趾又は内反小趾の予防等を可能にし、従来品のように多数の工程を経ることなく安価に製造できる靴下を提供する。【解決手段】足指が挿入可能な足指挿入部1、2、3、4、5、6を形成し、親指挿入部1と人差し指挿入部3との間に形成されている足指挿入部2に、足指挿入部2のつま先部7aと反対側に形成の内側開口部8より外反母趾防止材9を挿入して外反母趾防止部bを形成するか、くすり指挿入部4と小指挿入部6との間に形成されている足指挿入部5に、足指挿入部5のつま先部と反対側に形成の内側開口部より内反小趾防止材を挿入して内反小趾防止部を形成する。【選択図】図1