It is a kind of it is interactive examine between see and examine check-in system, including a hospital terminal machine, registration device, a comparison device and an audio device are examined at a glance, wherein this sees the proof of identification data for examining registration device for reading the sufferer, Hou is compared with the information of registering of hospital terminal machine through the comparison device, form a comparison result data, it sees for being sent to and examines registration device and show, and the sufferer and examine a nurse and can pass through and see and examine registration device and audio device and mutually link up, the quality and efficiency examined are seen to be promoted.一種互動式診間看診報到系統,包括一醫院終端機、一看診報到裝置、一比對裝置及一音訊裝置,其中該看診報到裝置供讀取該病患之身份證明資料,以透過該比對裝置與醫院終端機之掛號資訊進行比對後,形成一比對結果資料,供傳送至看診報到裝置而顯示,且該病患與診間護士可透過看診報到裝置及音訊裝置而相互進行溝通,以提升看診之品質與效率。