This invention concerns a hydrogen peroxide sterilization device, withinjection of hydrogenperoxide vapour, provided with a vaporizer that feeds a sterilization chamber,with a dosethat varies in function of the control performed by a computer or controlunit. The vaporizerworks with a pressure inferior to the atmospheric one and is heated by anelectricalresistance heater. All the vaporization process is made in vacuum. The fillingof the sterilantagent is made drop-by-drop by a capillary tube which transforms the liquidinto a pulverizedgas. The computer controls the electrical valve following the dosing pump fromthe pressureand/or temperature information that comes from various pressure and/ortemperaturesensors. The pressure inside the chamber is maintained during thesterilization process ina constant predefined value. The invention also refers to the hydrogenperoxide sterilizationprocess that uses the referred device.