Sinking device (1) for fishing tackle characterized in that it has a metal body (2) in the form of a cylindrical rod that has two upper conical ends (3) and lower (4), at whose upper conical end (3) is located a hole (5) for the passage of the line (6) and whose metal body (2) is constituted by a metal that is selected from among brass, stainless steel, iron with its alloys, titanium and lead-free bronze. (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)1. Dispositivo hundidor (1) para aparejos de pesca caracterizado porque presenta un cuerpo metálico (2) en forma de varilla cilíndrica que posee dos extremos cónicos superior (3) e inferior (4), en cuyo extremo cónico superior (3) se encuentra un agujero (5) para el paso del sedal (6) y cuyo cuerpo metálico (2) está constituido por un metal que se selecciona de entre latón, acero inoxidable, hierro con sus aleaciones, titanio y bronce sin plomo.