People keep pets indoors such as in an apartment wherein people lay a defecation pad and give defecation training thereby allowing the pets to defecate and urinate on the defecation pad. At this time, defecation should be immediately processed; if not, the smell remains. Therefore, the present invention is to remove smells by automatically packing the defecation pad. The defecation pad is attached on a vinyl bottom so as to be made in a roll type like a toilet paper and is supplied from one side, while rolled as thin vinyl from the other side thereby being checked by the human eye. When going out, the defecation pad part is checked by a web camera and if urine and feces are found, by pressing a packing button, a motor rotates and packs the urine and feces. Therefore, whereas pet defecation smells can be a source of annoyance, the present invention inhibits the defecation smells thereby providing a refreshing indoor atmosphere.아파트등 실내에서 애완동물을 키우고 배변패드를 깔아놓아 배변훈련을 시켜 배변패드에 대변과 소변을 보게하는데 바로바로 처리하지 않으면 냄새가 난다이에 배변패드를 자동포장하여 냄새를 없애고자하며 해결방법은비닐바닥에 배변패드를 붙여 화장지와 같이 두루마리 형태로 만들고 한쪽에서 공급하고 다른한쪽에서 얇은 비닐과 같이 감도록 만들고 사람 눈으로 확인하거나 외출시에는 웹카메라로 배변패드부분을 확인후 대소변을 확인하면 포장 버튼을 누르면 모터가 회전하면서 대소변을 포장하도록 하여 애완동물 대소변 냄새가 나면 짜증나는데 대소변냄새를 안나게 하여 실내를 쾌적한상태로 만든다.