Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe obrazovatelnoe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya "Ulyanovskij gosudarstvennyj agrarnyj universitet imeni P.A. Stolypina"
Kurdyumov Vladimir Ivanovich (RU),Курдюмов Владимир Иванович (RU),Zykin Evgenij Sergeevich (RU),Зыкин Евгений Сергеевич (RU),Albutov Sergej Petrovich (RU),Албутов Сергей Петрович (RU)
FIELD: agriculture; machine building.SUBSTANCE: bedder sowing machine comprises ridge former mounted on frame, sowing units, rollers. Rollers comprise a composite frame, spherical disks and bars with springs. Spherical disks are installed by the convex side to the longitudinal symmetry axis of the roller with possibility of changing the angle of attack of the spherical discs symmetrically relative to longitudinal axis of symmetry of the roller at the same angle, the solution of which is directed towards the movement of the bedder sowing machine, and fixation in the specified position. Between the spherical disks on the axis in equal intervals flat discs are installed, the outer contour of which is multifaceted and is sharpened on both sides. Number of flat discs is odd. Central disk is located along the line of longitudinal symmetry axis of the roller. Vertexes of faces of flat discs form a helical line, the beginning of which coincides with the longitudinal axis of symmetry of the roller and is directed from the longitudinal axis of symmetry of the roller to the spherical discs, and lengthwise symmetry axes of packing wheels coincide with line of sown seeds. In front of ridge former there are shovels containing stilt, duckfoot shovel, seed drill and soil bowl in form of tetrahedron. Under the seed drill there is a leveler in the form of an isosceles trapezoid, which is rigidly fixed to the lower part of the plate in the form of a right-angled triangle and inner sides of the wing wings. Lower part of leveler is diverted towards the side opposite to the direction of movement of the opener.EFFECT: use of invention will make it possible to improve quality of planting of tilled crops.1 cl, 10 dwgГребневая сеялка включает закрепленные на раме гребнеобразователи, высевающие аппараты, прикатывающие катки. Прикатывающие катки содержат составную раму, сферические диски, штанги с пружинами. Сферические диски установлены выпуклой стороной к продольной оси симметрии катка с воз