Substituted bicyclic compounds arils, modular, i.e., Autotaxin (ATX); Pharmaceutical composition that comprises; a method for preventing, treating or reducing the symptoms of a condition of a selected autoimmune inflammatory Disorder, fibrosis, Lung or a Lung malignancy.
Disclosed are bicyclic aryl compounds of formula (I), that can modulate the activity of the autotaxin (ATX) enzyme. This invention further relates to compounds that are ATX inhibitors, and methods of making and using such compounds in the treatment of demyelination due to injury or disease, as well as for treating proliferative disorders such as cancer.<;p>;COMPUESTOS DERIVADOS DE ARILOS BICICLICOS SUSTITUIDOS, MODULARES DE AUTOTAXINA (ATX); COMPOSICIÓ;N FARMACÉ;UTICA QUE LOS COMPRENDE Y SU USO PARA PREVENIR, TRATAR O REDUCIR LOS SÍ;NTOMAS DE UNA CONDICIÓ;N SELECCIONADA DE UN TRASTORNO INFLAMATORIO, AUTOINMUNE, FIBROSIS DE PULMÓ;N O UNA MALIGNIDAD DE PULMÓ;N, ESCLEROSIS MÚ;LTIPLE, ARTRITIS REUMATOIDE<;/p>;