1. Confectionery product consisting at least of a housing in the form of at least two superposed layers with the same or nearly water activity, of which the first layer is made of halvichnoy weight and the second layer - of the jelly mass, or jelly whipped mass, wherein each of said layers comprises a plasticizing water-retaining additive is water activity layers (0,35-0,55), and obtained by mixing mass halvichnuyu knocked caramel mass with a fat or fat-containing massoy.2. A confectionery product according to claim 1, characterized in that the plasticizing additive in water-holding layer of halvichnoy mass consists, at least, of sorbitol, whey powder or skim milk powder and citric acid, the sorbitol is not less than 2.4% caramel weight citric acid - not less than 0.1 weight% caramel, and whey - at least 3% fat or fat-containing massy.3. A confectionery product according to claim 1, characterized in that the plasticizing additive in water-holding layer of jelly, or whipped jelly mass consists, at least, of sorbitol and of fat, sorbitol is not less than 2.9% jelly jelly, or whipped mass, and fat - at least 3% jelly jelly, or whipped massy.4. A confectionery product according to claim 1, characterized in that the article further comprises an active prevents water migration between the layers and fat products barrier layer made of a fat or fat smesi.5. A confectionery product according to claim 1, characterized in that the fat mass or body fat in the fat-containing mass using the mass of crushed roasted peanuts, sesame seeds, Mind1. Кондитерское изделие, состоящее, по крайней мере, из корпуса в виде, по крайней мере, двух уложенных один на другой слоев с одинаковой или близкой активностью воды, из которых первый слой выполнен из халвичной массы, а второй слой - из желейной массы или сбивной желейной массы, при этом каждый из указанных слоев содержит влагоудерживающую пластифицирующую добавку, активность воды слоев составляет (0,35-0,55), а халвичную массу получают смеш