Being method in order to transmit the label between two pictures, As for the aforementioned method, The step which supplies the 1st picture which each set is characterized by the label, possesses the continual point of several sets and, The step which supplies the 2nd picture, from the aforementioned 2nd picture, decides the continual point of several sets and, The description above the step which superposes the picture of the aforementioned two in order to decide the intersection and the non intersection of set of the 1st and 2nd picture, and, In each intersection of the aforementioned 2nd picture, the step which gives the label of set of the aforementioned 1st picture where the aforementioned part becomes common and, The step which gives the label of the aforementioned set to each non intersection of the aforementioned 2nd picture which contacts with the continual point of single unit set of the aforementioned 1st picture, and, The step which gives the new label in each non intersection of the aforementioned 2nd picture which contacts also no set of the aforementioned 1st picture and, The method of having, featuring thing.2つの画像間でラベルを伝達するための方法であって、前記方法は、各セットがラベルによって特徴付けられ、数セットの連続点を有する第1画像を供給するステップと、第2画像を供給し、前記第2画像から、数セットの連続点を決定するステップと、前記第1及び第2画像のセットの共通部分及び非共通部分を決定するために、前記2つの画像を重ね合わせるステップと、前記第2画像の各共通部分に、前記部分が共通となる前記第1画像のセットのラベルを与えるステップと、前記第1画像の単一セットの連続点と接触する前記第2画像の各非共通部分に、前記セットのラベルを与えるステップと、前記第1画像のいずれのセットとも接触しない前記第2画像の各非共通部分に新しいラベルを与えるステップと、を備える、ことを特徴とする方法。