The floated high density implement for cultivating of this creation macro,Annular float tube on the water surface can be swum in comprising one,One extend from float tube bottom into water downwards tubbiness low permeability limit cloth,One be connected to limit cloth root edge cone cell screen cloth,And one gas outlet be arranged in screen cloth center below air supply unit,The limit cloth can cultivate macro in the range of surrounding with suspended pattern,When air supply unit releases air upwards,Bubble can generate upward water flow and drive the algae of screen cloth center bottom to push toward water upper layer and spread around,It pushes upper layer algae to form circulation toward lower layer simultaneously,Pool water within upper layer receives sunshine progress photosynthesis to the algae for enabling high density to cultivate in turn,If implement for cultivating is placed in aquatile aquaculture pond,The effect of purifying aquaculture water matter can also be had both.本創作大型藻類的懸浮式高密度培植裝置,包含一能夠漂浮在水面上的環形浮管,一從浮管底部向下往水中延伸的桶狀低透水性限位布料、一連接在限位布料底緣的錐狀網布、以及一出氣口設置在網布中央下方的供氣單元,所述限位布料圍繞的範圍內能夠以懸浮方式培植大型藻類,當供氣單元向上釋出空氣時,氣泡能產生向上的水流帶動網布中央底部的藻類往池水上層推動並向四周擴散,同時將上層藻類往下層推送形成循環,使高密度培植的藻類能輪流在池水上層接受日照進行光合作用,若將培植裝置放置在水生生物養殖池中,還可以兼具淨化養殖池水質之功效。