The invention relates to a long-term care plant pot for earth/water and water/earth combination cultivations or hetero-cultivations, which pot consequently functions as connecting element between two plant cultivation types of a plant. The plant pot containing the root ball of the hetero-plant is arranged in an overpot. The space between plant pot (3) and overpot serves as water store. Double-walled edge chamber elements of the pot are provided with slots or openings and partly provided with clay granulates (7) and/or phenolic resin foam parts (5<a>). The edge chamber elements as mentioned serve the plants as a watering chamber (1) for growing into from the earth region into the water region, and also as a root aeration chamber (2) and as a root-ball permanent moistening chamber (5, 5a). The maximum water level between plant pot and overpot is envisaged to be up to half the height of the plant pot. A special feature of the pot is that the water supply is arranged next to (around) the root ball, and also that plastic net products (17) with clay granulate underlayer (7) form the chambers (double-wall construction). Finally, the good manufacturability and packing-favourable stackability of the pot models (Figs 1, 5, 6, 7) may be stressed. The evaporation losses from the earth root-ball region (Fig. 2) are limited to a minimum by clay covering granulates. <IMAGE>