1. Food product having at least a first portion and a second portion, the water activity in the first part of the lower water activity in the second part, and water-retaining barrier between the first portion and the second portion, wherein the water-retaining barrier is formed by dewatering the emulsion containing lipid in an amount of 45-55 wt. % And the aqueous phase in an amount of 45-55 wt.%, Wherein the aqueous phase contains up to 4 wt.% Of the biopolymer emulsifier, and water-retaining barrier comprises up to 4 wt.% Emulgatora.2. Food product according to Claim. 1, wherein the emulsifier is a whey protein isolate or whey protein concentrate, or kombinatsiey.3. Food product according to claim. 2, in which the amount of whey protein isolate and / or whey protein concentrate in the water-retaining barrier is in the range 3-4 wt.%. 4. Food product according to claim. 2, wherein the amount of protein in the whey protein isolate and / or concentrate of whey protein is at least 80 wt.%. 5. Food according to Claim product. 1, wherein the lipid is selected from the group consisting of milk fat, safflower oil, rapeseed oil, olive oil, soybean oil, fish oil, linseed oil, safflower oil, corn oil, algae oil, cottonseed oil, palm oil , palm kernel oil, coconut oil, grape seed oil, hazelnut oil, walnut oil, peanut oil, rice bran oil, sesame oil, cacao butter, lard, tallow, hydrogenated oils, and fractions of oils or fats, and any combination thereof .6. Food product according to claim. 5, wherein the lipid is butterfat or sunflower maslo.7. Food product according to Claim. 1, wherein the first part is a baked or cooked dough, crumble, cake,1. Продукт питания, имеющий по меньшей мере первую часть и вторую часть, при этом активность воды в первой части ниже активности воды во второй части, и влагоудерживающий барьер между первой частью и второй частью, в котором влагоудерживающий барьер сформирован при обезвоживании эмульсии, содержащей липид в количестве 45-55 масс. % и вод