Loco-motor disabled and wheelchair confined or bed ridden patients need standing exercise and training, which is very important component of rehabilitation and daily activities A mechanism for standing facility in electronic wheelchair has been designed. An innovative concept of two in one facility that is electronic controlled mobility and standing has been conceived and implemented. The standing mechanism consists of rectangular structure with one fixed and three movable supports that form mechanism for standing and sitting. The mechanism has electrical linear actuator attached to it which moves the structure up and down as per action imitated. At rest i.e. sitting position, angle between all these sides is 90 degrees each and seat rests on fixed supports at front and at the back.. When an actuator is initiated to stand it pushes the seat upward. As front side is fixed to vertical fixed support, other three sides move. This moves the patient from sitting to standing position and when the actuator is activated to sit down, the structure moves to its original sitting position. This moves subject from standing to sitting position. In this device the position of the footrest can be adjusted using sliding mechanism for stability. Four levels of belt strapping have been provided for firm support to patients body and to maintain proper posture.