Obshchestvo s ogranichennoj otvetstvennostyu "Russkaya ikra"
Bukatov Igor Nikolaevich,Букатов Игорь Николаевич
FIELD: fishing and fish breeding.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the fishing industry, to caviar production from sturgeon species of aquaculture rearing fish. Method of protection of caviar production from bacteriological spoilage involves the use of live fish as raw material - raw sturgeon species of artificial rearing fish, in particular in fish tanks. When producing caviar, body temperature of the fish shall be from 6 °C and up to 10 °C, caviar from these fish is received in a prepared room. In the production process, ozonization of a room with a concentration of 5–10 mg/m3 and a frequency of 60 minutes every 3 days is carried out. Before opening, fish is treated with a mineralized solution of water with a pH in the range 3.5–5.0 and a temperature in the range of 10–12 °C. Tools, appliances and other elements of the process that are used in the opening of an individual are treated with a solution of water with the same parameters, wherein the treatment solution is supplied by a metering source, and the spent solution is collected in a labeled container, it is disposed of as it is filled. Preparation of the premises is carried out by ozonation, which is carried out 2.5–3 hours before the start of the production process.EFFECT: proposed method of protecting caviar production from bacteriological damage ensures the expansion of the scope of application of new technologies to improve the food safety of caviar production, at which a combination of resources and equipment used in the production of sturgeon caviar of fish species is formed, means and techniques of indirect influence are applied, which gives a synergistic effect, allows obtaining a quality product, and does not affect the taste of the final product.1 clИзобретение относится к рыбной промышленности, к икорному производству от осетровых видов рыб аквакультурного выращивания. Способ защиты производства икры от микробиологической порчи предусматривает использование в качестве сырья живой рыбы - сырец осетров