1. A chocolate or chocolate-like material containing oil and fat, wherein the fat and oil containing from 50 to 85 wt.% Triglycerides in which oleic acid is bound at 2-position and saturated fatty acids having 16 or more carbon atoms linked in positions 1 and 3 (XOX type triglycerides) and 5 to 18 wt.% triglycerides, which are associated two oleic acid and one saturated fatty acid having 16 or more carbon atoms, (XO2 type triglycerides) .2. Chocolate or chocolate-like material of claim 1, wherein said oil and fat comprise, as said type XOX triglyceride, from 12 to 40 wt.% Of triglyceride, wherein the oleic acid is bound at position 2, and palmitic acid and stearic acid, each related to positions 1 and 3 (POSt type triglycerides) and from 22 to 36 wt.% of triglyceride, wherein the oleic acid is bound at position 2, and stearic acid is bonded at the positions 1 and 3 (POSt type triglycerides) .3. Chocolate or chocolate-like material according to claim 1 or 2, wherein said oil or fat comprise, as said XO2 type triglycerides of 4 to 16 wt.% Triglycerides, which are linked two and one oleic acid stearic acid (StO2 type triglycerides). 4. Chocolate or chocolate-like material according to claim 1 or 2, wherein said oil or fat comprises less than 5 wt.% Of triglycerides in which unsaturated fatty acid having 16 or more carbon atoms connected in all positions 1, 2 and 3 (U3 type triglycerides ), and less than 2 wt.% trans fatty acids as a fatty acid sostavlyayuschey.5. Chocolate or chocolate-like material according to claim 1 or 2, wherein said fat and oil are mixed oil and fat containing1. Шоколадный или шоколадоподобный материал, содержащий масло и жир,причем масло и жир содержат от 50 до 85 вес.% триглицеридов, в которых олеиновая кислота связана в положении 2, а насыщенные жирные кислоты, имеющие 16 или более атомов углерода, связаны в положениях 1 и 3 (XOX тип триглицеридов) и от 5 до 18 вес.% триглицеридов, в которых связаны две олеиновых кислоты и одна насыщенная жирн