The present invention relates to a cereal candy. The cereal candy is produced by dissolving a cereal extract or dried cereal powder in the course of a candy production process. Other ingredients, which are good for health such as various flavoring ingredients, nutritional supplements, and vitamins, can be added as well. In addition, at least one or two kinds of vegetables can be mixed therein.1.캔디를 만드는 과정에서 곡물즙액이나 곡물건조가루를 녹여 곡물캔디를 만든다.2.각종 맛을 내는 재료나,영양제,비타민등 몸에 좋은 재료를 첨가할수 있다. 3.야채의 종류는 1가지나 2가지이상 혼합될수 있다.