A centrifuge chamber for cytodiagnostic investigation of epithelial cells contained in a sample, wherein a cell suspension investigated is placed in a first bore of a sample chamber containing a plurality of bores disposed parallel to one another and subjected to a centrifuging process. During a centrifuging process, the sample fluid is separated into a proximal fraction and a distal fraction, and the proximal fraction is then separated by the centrifuging process so that it is transferred via a flow connection provided between the first and second bores, into the second bore. In addition to automatic separation of the proximal and distal fractions during the centrifuging process, it is also possible to perform a staining procedure during the centrifuging process. The result of the process is a slide, having at least two different slide fields, whereby the slide field associated with the first bore is coated with the epithelial cells to be investigated and then stained, while the slide field associated with the second bore is stained as a control field, likewise during the centrifuging process.