A multistage, double closed-loop process and apparatus for organic destruction and removal of volatile organics compounds (VOCs), semi-volatile organic compounds, and halogen acids, removal of toxic metals, and recovery of precious metals and hydrocarbon fuels from gaseous, liquid, and surface-contaminated solid waste streams. Organic destruction of heavy-molecule VOCs is accomplished in a non-combustion thermal reactor by means of thermal energy. Further organic destruction is accomplished by catalytic oxidation. Removing toxic heavy metals or recovering precious metals is accomplished in a bubble-bed reactor in which sub-micron size particles of heavy metals are nucleated, condensed, and deposited onto particles comprising the bed. Acid, particulate, and gas sorbing further remove hazardous substances. Hydrocarbon fuels are recovered by condensing. The process involves high temperature recycling without use of air combustion or incineration to promote a very high degree of decontamination. The process also includes continuous monitoring of levels of carbon monoxide and total hydrocarbons and recycling in a low temperature closed loop thus oxidizing light hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide if these levels are too high for venting.