Yi Seed System Cha Machine structures, it includes:One pedestal, Yi Squeeze Pressure Let Prepare, Yi Pressure Shrink Let Prepare and a console, The System Cha Machine Knot Agencies Department Ji You Squeeze Pressure Let Prepare are Ji Pressure Shrink Let Prepare Jin Hang Longitudinal, horizontal Pressure Shrink, rub Move works, Ling Cha Leaf Pressure Shrink, rubbing under the Pressure Shrink Move that processing can be what one time make can be completed, and a large amount of Cha Leaf mono- And Jin row processors of capacity Tong Time Zhi Ru More of tank can be cooperated, in order to increasing Pressure Shrink, rub the efficiency of processing, and can effectively Festival save labor costs, have The Ji benefits, You The System Cha Machine process Zuo Move Time, its a large amount of Cha Leaf Only is coated by Yi Bu Body, and what processes Zuo Move Time, the not processing gimmick of more times of Shall The Over and numerous Miscellaneous, Only whats one, which take second place under Pressure Shrink Move make, can be completed, it is raw with the Qing Shi Productivity for reducing The claddings Cha Leaf Bu Body Damage Bad due to Jia Gong, the user of the effective Festival Sheng Bu Body of And.一種製茶機之結構,其包含:一基座、一擠壓設備、一壓縮設備以及一中控台,該製茶機結構係藉由擠壓設備及壓縮設備進行縱、橫向之壓縮、揉捻動作,令茶葉的壓縮、揉捻加工可於一次的壓縮動作下即可完成,且可配合容槽之容量同時置入較大量之茶葉一併進行加工者,俾增添壓縮、揉捻加工的效率,且可有效節省人力成本,具經濟效益,又該製茶機加工作動時,其大量的茶葉僅由一布體包覆而成,且於加工作動時,不須經過多次以及繁雜之加工手法,僅於一次之壓縮動作下即可完成,以降低該包覆茶葉之布體因加工而損壞之情事產生,並有效節省布體的使用者。