federalnoe gosudarstvennoe avtonomnoe obrazovatelnoe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya Pervyj Moskovskij gosudarstvennyj meditsinskij universitet imeni I.M. Sechenova Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya R
Morozov Dmitrij Anatolevich (RU),Морозов Дмитрий Анатольевич (RU),Ajrapetyan Maksim Igorevich (RU),Айрапетян Максим Игоревич (RU),Fajzullin Aleksej Leonidovich (RU),Файзуллин Алексей Леонидович (RU),M
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to abdominal surgery. Nodal serous-muscular-submucosal suture is formed on a mesenteric intestinal border with a knot outwards. Continuous blanket suture is applied towards without gripping the intestinal mucosa from the formed nodular suture along the posterior lip of the intestinal anastomosis, then along the anterior lip of the intestinal anastomosis, not reaching distance of 8–10 mm to the nodal serous-muscular-submucosal suture, at constant traction for free end of thread. Completed suture is fixed with a Reverdin suture with subsequent application of continuous blanket suture towards on remaining area of anterior lip of anastomosis without traction of thread with possibility of visual inspection of pricks and pricks of needle without gripping of intestinal mucosa. Suture is tightened under visual control by pulling the suture in a towards direction towards the mesenteric edge. Layers of the cross-linked intestine are compared without crimping the seam. Free ends of thread are connected to each other. When applying a continuous blanket suture along the intestinal circumference, the needle is pricked in and out at distance of 1–1.5 mm from the edge of the cross-linked intestine and the distance between stitches is 1–1.5 mm.EFFECT: method ensures reliability of the intestinal suture, its tightness and, as a result, reduces a risk of developing possible complications from the anastomosis by providing visual control of correctness of intestinal layers comparison along the whole intestinal circumference, including the final stage of the last stitches formation.1 cl, 3 dwgИзобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к абдоминальной хирургии. Формируют один узловой серозно-мышечно-подслизистый шов на брыжеечном крае кишки узлом наружу. Накладывают непрерывный обвивной шов «на себя» без захвата слизистого слоя кишки от сформированного узлового шва по задней губе кишечного анастомоза, затем по передне