This work is a kind of interesting sticky fly board structure.It mainly consists of an image with interesting shape printed on one side of a discarded board.And a sticky layer capable of releasing fly inducing odor is coated in a specific block of the image.And then attract flies, such as flies or fruit flies, to stop and stick to the adhesive layer,Besides the practical effect of catching flies,During the use, the fly catching ornament can also be used.Integrated into the overall image design,Add interest and artistic effect to the image.Make the use of sticky fly board more creative.Like an alternative art decoration,There will be no sense of disobedience.本創作為一種趣味黏蠅板構造,主要係於一拋棄式板材其中一面印製有頗具趣味形態之圖像,並於該圖像之特定區塊內塗覆有能釋放出誘蠅氣味之黏膠層,進而吸引蒼蠅或果蠅等蠅類停靠而沾黏於該黏膠層上,不僅可達到捕蠅之實用功效外,且於使用期間亦可利用捕獲蒼蠅的點綴,融入於整體圖像設計中,相輔相成增添圖像的趣味及藝術效果,令黏蠅板的使用更具創意性,猶如一種另類藝術裝飾品,不會造成任何違和感。