A unique multi-functional emergency bandage is introduced, wherein bleeding is stopped by: (1) optimizing mechanical properties and preventing ischemia and/or necrosis while applying enough pressure to help stop bleeding, and (2) incorporating inorganic anti-bleeding nano-structures (embedded within a gauze and/or microbial cellulose) with almost infinite life-time. Additionally, pathogen passage through the bandage is prohibited (via an intermediate filter layer). Together with the overall anti-microbial character of the bandage, the unique multi-functional bandage offers all these vital features within a single design. The unique bandage can be applied by using a single hand and bandaging direction can be changed using a unique binding apparatus. Visual aids, such as printed rectangles, on the final fabric provides the user with an indication of how to control the amount of stretch, as vertical rectangles would turn into horizontal rectangles when stretched too much, whereas rectangles turn to squares around the optimum region of the stress-strain curve.