Гольдфарб Лев Яковлевич (RU),Кириенко Юрий Иванович (RU),Краусп Валентин Робертович (RU)
The invention relates to devices cows accounts, mainly in dairy robotic complexes with loose housing, where the animals are moved independently of the technological route and need control of their number in a given area.The object of the utility model is to provide a device for determining the number of cows enrolled at a given process point.The use of the proposed utility model is provided by sequentially moving continuous score for communicating boxing animals (cows) by controlling the passage of the upper part of the animal body with the rod pinion mechanism and a damping roller, the transmission signals from the contact sensors and the control unit counter.The above technical result is achieved by the fact that the proposed device cows account containing pass box, a platform with a floor contact sensor and a control unit, the upper box area has a vertical rod with the rack in the middle zone, the upper and lower abutments and damping roller into the lower zone, a vertical guide rod gear rack mechanism, with a drive of the electromagnetic clutch, the lower and upper contact sensors, and a gear connected electrically by electromechanical netic coupling, the lower abutment is in a zone of the expected contact with the lower contact sensor, the upper abutment cooperates with the upper contact sensor, a floor contact sensor, an electromagnetic clutch, an electric motor, the lower and upper contact sensors are connected in electrical communication with a control unit which comprises a logic circuit with relay contacts, a single pulse generator and a pulse counter.Полезная модель относится к устройствам счета коров, преимущественно в молочных роботизированных комплексах с беспривязным содержанием, где животные самостоятельно перемещаются по технологическому маршруту и требуется контроль их количества в заданной зоне.Задачей полезной модели является создание устройства для определения количества коров, поступивших в заданный технологический пункт.В результате использова