The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing coffee beans by a black ginseng process, the method comprising: a raw ginseng preparing step of placing raw ginseng on a mesh plate, inserting the plate on which the raw ginseng is placed in a container, injecting mineral water in the bottom of the container to separate the mineral water from the lower portion of the mesh plate, placing tourmaline on the bottom of the container, and enclosing the container by closing the upper portion of the container with a cover; a raw ginseng steaming step of manufacturing steamed raw ginseng by inserting the enclosed container in a heating cabinet and steaming the same at lower temperatures; a simultaneous steaming step of placing coffee beans on an additional mesh plate, separately placing the same between the mesh plate on which the steamed raw ginseng is placed and the bottom of the container, and then manufacturing steamed ginseng obtained by processing the steamed coffee beans and steamed raw ginseng by the black ginseng process; and a drying step of manufacturing processed coffee beans and processed ginseng by drying the steamed coffee beans and steamed ginseng. According to the present invention, the processed coffee and processed ginseng with high quality can be manufactured at the same time since the processed coffee has a high content of polyphenol and low content of caffeine and the processed black ginseng also has a high content of saponin. In addition, palatability of the processed coffee beans and processed ginseng can be maximized.본 발명은 흑삼화 가공 커피원두의 제조 방법에 관한 것이다.본 발명의 흑삼화 가공 커피원두의 제조 방법은, 망상 판에 수삼을 적재한 후, 수삼이 적재된 판을 용기 내부에 투입한 다음 용기 바닥에 미네랄수를 상기 망상 판 저부와 이격되도록 주입하고, 용기 바닥에 토르말린을 적재한 다음 용기 상부에 뚜껑을 닫아 용기를 밀폐시키는 수삼준비단계와; 온장고에 상기 밀폐된 용기를 투입한 후 45 ~ 50시간 동안 온장고 내부 온도를 65 ~ 72℃의 상태를 유지하여 저온 증숙하여 증숙수삼을 제조하는 수삼증숙단계와; 별도의 망상 판에 커피 생두를 적재한 후, 상기 증숙수삼이 적재된 망상 판과 용기 바닥 사이에 각각 이격되도록 설치한 후, 용기 상부에 뚜껑을 닫고 14 ~ 16일 동안 온장고 내부 온도를 72 ~ 74℃의 상태를 유지하여 저온 증숙하여 증숙된 원두인 증숙원두