Producing animal leather skin substitutes, comprises carrying out animal in-vitro growing of epithelial cells; laminating cultivated partly active cells on sterilized substrate; and cultivating the cells in translucent incubator system
Producing an animal leather skin substitutes (I), comprises: (a) carrying out animal in-vitro growing of epithelial cells from established animal cell line and/or primary epithelial cell culture; (b) laminating cultivated partly active cells on a purified and sterilized substrate for the formation of a confluent epithelial layer; and subsequently (c) cultivating the cells in an encapsulated, translucent incubator system under permanent addition or extraction of components of the nutrition solution. Producing an animal leather skin substitutes (I), comprises: (a) carrying out animal in-vitro growing of epithelial cells from established animal cell line and/or primary epithelial cell culture, which is preferably obtained form battle waste, is grown in a growth-promoting culture medium and after that their growth is increased exponentially up to 10 folds in a calcium poor nutrition solution in the ratio of 1 Mio cells to 1-3 ml of nutrition solution at 37[deg] C in the 48 hour cycle, which takes place in a separate containers; (b) laminating cultivated partly active cells on a purified & sterilized substrate in a least density of 0.5-1.10x 105>/cm2> for the formation of a confluent epithelial layer, in which the substrate with the epithelial cells is sprayed on the container using a peristaltic pump with an air flow of 3.7 l/minutes and a fluid flow of 4.2 ml/minutes, and remaining cells are once again increased to ten folds; and subsequently (c) cultivating the cells in an encapsulated, translucent incubator system under permanent addition or extraction of components of the nutrition solution at 37[deg] C ambient temperature further 4-6 weeks on a thickness of 1-4 mm for skin building, where the flow velocity lies at 1 ml/hour. INDEPENDENT CLAIMS are included for: (1) an animal leather skin substitute produced by the method; and (2) a device for producing an animal leather substitutes.