[Issue] Japan will enter an aging era in the future. There is no doubt that it will be a serious panic that will cause a shortage of long-term care personnel. Looking at the current situation of these hospitals, multiple caregivers are transferring from the bed to one patient. Looking at this situation, we devised this mobile transfer lift as a result of trial and error on the issue of how one caregiver could not easily move and transfer the patient. SOLUTION: First, the current situation is that the conventional nursing care equipment is expensive and cannot be easily reached by the general poor. Patients can expect great utility value and utility value even if it is expensive, so they wanted to have more expensive equipment such as hanging mobile equipment for bathing and hanging lifting for bathing. On the other hand, by devising an inexpensive device that can be handled by one person, the device that both caregivers and patients have been waiting for has become a solution to the problems so far. [Selection diagram] Fig. 1【課題】日本は今後高齢化時代に突入致します。介護介助に当たる要員も不足となる大変なパニツクになることは間違いありません。それらの病院の現状を観てみると一人の患者に対して複数の介助者がベツトから移動移乗させている。この状況を観て何とか一人の介助者で患者を楽に移動移乗させる事が出来ないかの課題を試行錯誤した結果,今回の移動移乗リフトを考案した。【解決手段】まず,これまでの介護機器は高価で一般貧者にはて中々手が届かないのが現状であつた。その高価に対しても安価で利用価値,使用価値も患者が大いに期待出来る事により,これまでの高価な吊移動機器及び入浴用吊リフテイング等高価な機器によりもつと庶民的な機器を望んでいた事に対して,今回の安価で一人でも対応出来る機器の考案により,介助者も患者にも待望の機器の考案によりこれまでの問題の解決手段となつた。【選択図】図1