A cartridge receptacle has a mixing chamber that is connectable to a reservoirand afluid feed that leads into a mixing chamber. The cartridge receptacle has acartridgeemptying device which is provided to at least partially transfer a beveragesubstancefrom the reservoir into the mixing chamber. The cartridge emptying devicecomprisesa compressed-air connection. The beverage substance is pushed out of thereservoirinto the mixing chamber by the compressed air. A cartridge opening is closedby asealing element. The sealing element comprises a sealing foil which has beenapplied to the edge of the cartridge opening. The cartridge receptaclecomprises aspike guide and a piercing spike. The piercing spike is displaceable between aretracted position, in which the piercing spike is away from the sealingelement, andan extended position, in which the piercing spike pierces the sealing elementandprojects into the reservoir.