A multi-functional gardening implement that, in some embodiments, functions asa pairof shears, a spade, a garden cultivator, a saw, a machete, a weeder and arake. Theimplement comprises two shears that cooperate to cut vegetation placed betweenthemwhen a user presses the handles of the shears together. The implement also hasat leastone appendage, which may be a shovel, a hoe, a garden cultivator, or anothergarden toolthat is attached to the central portions of the shears and can be rotated toan operatingposition where the appendage is supported by the blades of the shears. Theimplementmay have a second appendage that rotates in the opposite direction to asimilar operatingposition against the other sides of the blades. The shear blades may have sawor knifeblades on their outer edges, and rake elements may be disposed in the shearhandles.