1. A combined preparation from extract of cladodium leaf extract for simultaneous or separate use for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids, its complications and related diseases. The combined preparation according to claim 1 for use as a mucosal protective agent for the anal and rectal mucosa to prevent or treat inflammation of these areas. The combined preparation according to claim 1, where the extract contains from 1 to 70% wt./wt. polysaccharides in the form of plant mucus. 4. The combined preparation according to claim 3, wherein said polysaccharides are isolated by a method comprising squeezing cladodia followed by centrifugation of the juice and ultrafiltration of the supernatant to obtain an aqueous solution enriched in the polysaccharide fraction of MW>; 10 Da. The combined preparation according to claim 1, wherein the leaf extract is obtained by treating with leaf-water or water-alcohol solvents at room temperature or by heating to 60-70 ° C, optionally repeating the isolation and then removing the solvent in vacuo at 40 ° C. The combined preparation according to claim 5, wherein said leaf extract is enriched with biophenols as a result of applying a method comprising placing the dried extract on resin and eluting with a solution of ethanol: water 50:50 (v / v). A composition comprising cladodium leaf extract for use in the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids, its complications and related diseases. 8. The composition according to claim 7, further comprising extracts of buds, anthocyanazides from red oranges, black rice or other natural sources, and combinations thereof. The composition of claim 7, further comprising odi1. Комбинированный препарат из экстракта кладодиеви экстракта листьевдля одновременного или раздельного применения для предотвращения и лечения геморроя, его осложнения и связанных с ним заболеваний.2. Комбинированный препарат по п.1 для применения в качестве мукозащитного средства для анальной и ректальной слизистой оболочки