A portable device comprising: an agitable element (20); at least one rotating element (30) in communication with said agitable element (20), each of said at least one rotating element having a respective axis of rotation; at least one mass (40) having a center of gravity (45), each of said at least one mass being in communication with one of said at least one rotating element, said center of gravity of each mass being displaced from the axis of rotation of the respective rotating element; at least one motor (70) in communication with said at least one rotating element and arranged to rotate said at least one rotating element about the respective axis of rotation thereof; and a control circuitry (60) in communication with said at least one motor, said control circuitry being arranged to operate said at least one motor (70) to rotate irregularly said at least one rotating element (30), to stir thus said agitable element (20), characterized in that the axis (75) of rotation of said at least one rotating element is perpendicular to a longitudinal axis (23) of said agitable element.Un dispositivo portátil que comprende: un elemento agitable (20); al menos un elemento giratorio (30) en comunicación con dicho elemento agitable (20), presentando cada uno de dichos al menos un elemento giratorio un respectivo eje de giro; al menos una masa (40) que presenta un centro de gravedad (45), estando cada una de dichas al menos una masa en comunicación con uno de dichos al menos un elemento giratorio, estando dicho centro de gravedad de cada masa desplazado del eje de giro del elemento giratorio respectivo; al menos un motor (70) en comunicación con dicho al menos un elemento giratorio y dispuesto para girar dicho al menos un elemento giratorio alrededor del eje de giro respectivo del mismo; y una circuitería (60) de control en comunicación con dicho al menos un motor, estando dicha circuitería de control dispuesta para operar dicho al menos un motor (70) para girar de forma irregul