1. Apparatus for collecting cervical tissue sample in a patient, comprising: (a) an elongated tube insertable having a shape suitable for insertion into the vagina of the patient and having a proximal end and a distal end, an outer surface and an inner surface extending along said tube with the inserted channel formation, (b) an elongated cervical equalizing device having a shape suitable for insertion into said channel inserted tube, and comprising a proximal end with a handle and a distal end with cervical leveling probe and located between the housing part, the handle of the alignment of the probe is located outside neighbor channel inserted tube and is movable between a first position for insertion, wherein the distal cervical equalizing tube located in the duct inserted tube and a second position to align with the cervical cap, wherein the distal cervical leveling Zod extends distally from the channel inserted tube for interaction cervical arch of the patient, and (c) an elongated device for sampling of cellular material having a shape suitable for insertion into the channel inserted tube a portion of the base member of the elongated leveling device and a retractable handle leveling device and comprising a proximal end and a retractable handle, a distal end with cell surface for adhesive material, which extends from the handle nominates neighbor channel tube inserted close to the handle of the alignment devices and adapted to move the removable1. Устройство для сбора проб цервикальной ткани у пациентки, содержащее:(a) удлиненную вставляемую трубку, имеющую форму, подходящую для вставки во влагалище пациентки, и содержащую ближний конец, дальний конец, наружную поверхность и внутреннюю поверхность, проходящие вдоль указанной вставляемой трубки с образованием канала,(b) удлиненное цервикальное выравнивающее приспособление, имеющее форму, подходящую для вставки в указанный канал вставляемой трубки, и содержащее ближний конец с рукояткой, дальний конец с цервикальн